Pennwriter’s Conference

So, this past weekend I attended the Pennwriters’ Writers’ Conference in Lancaster, PA. Being that it was my first conference, I didn’t quite know what to expect. Although a little nervous at first, I didn’t allow that to hold me back from talking to other writers, agents and editors.

The workshops and speakers were excellent and I met many other fellow writers as well. Some were published and wrote several books others were starting out like me and didn’t have a book completed yet.

I attended a critique session Friday night where the first two pages of my book were read to an editor and she would critique it and provide feedback. For the most part she liked it, except my opening didn’t grab her. But with some professional advice, I learned how to make it better.

Since I attended the conference I felt recharged and enthusiastic about writing again. I have a goal and promised myself to stick to it. I have a great support system and know that they will help keep me on track and push me to make my dream a reality.

For those who like to write or just have a dream, don’t let fear or discouragement hold you back! Just go for it! You’ll never know what you can accomplish until you try! Goals without a plan are just wishes! Know what you want and have a plan.

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